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February 2021

Dear Just 5 Family,

This past month, Just 5, with the help of $1,260 from a generous anonymous donor, donated a total of $3,660 to an individual suffering from Crohn's disease. After having this case recommended to us and backed by many reputable figures in our community, we knew it was time to step in.

The young man we have chosen to help this month has been battling a painful and debilitating case of Crohn's disease that has taken over his life. Prior to his diagnosis, our recipient was once a promising PhD student at UC Davis. Despite growing up in an abusive household, he remained optimistic and wanted to change his life for the better. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the

worse once he was diagnosed and he had to drop out of his program. Having triggered many other health related complications following his diagnosis, he now spends much of his days bedridden, confined to his wheelchair or painfully carrying out simple tasks. Amidst a global pandemic, and with no family support, our recipient’s resources are limited, and the cost of living has tripled. With the little government aid he receives, accumulating medical bills from multiple hospital visits and various medications have become a financial burden threatening his means of survival.

With our support, our recipient is confident he can build the future he believes in, reaching one step closer towards his goals of remission and independence. He feels called to find some way to

return to a semblance of normal life and plans on searching for a new line of work once his confidence is restored.

We are incredibly grateful for our Just 5 community that continues to grow and expand. Through your generous donations, we can continue to help individuals in need.


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